Aspen Manor Care Home was meticulously put together; we specifically designed facilities and rooms to care for our senior individuals with dementia. Dementia is a common word for various neurological disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease. Physical changes in the brain create several symptoms unique to each person. Moving into full-time care for a person with dementia may be a tough choice for the patient and their family. You must be sure that the care facility you choose has the necessary facilities, abilities, and approach to assist your loved one.

Many people with early-stage dementia can enjoy life as they did before their diagnosis. However, when the symptoms worsen, the individual may get frightened and agitated. They can become afraid of losing their ability to recall, follow conversations, or focus. Therefore, it is critical to assist the individual in maintaining skills, competencies, and vibrant social life. This may also improve their self-confidence.

We offer a dementia-specific floor with rooms and services constructed by industry experts and architects to enable individuals living with dementia to live as independently and stress-free as possible. Our design team built a floor that balances colour palettes, navigation, and centres of interest to provide a safe, welcoming, and readily comprehendible environment. Particularly in terms of nutritional care, eating and drinking may be challenging. However, our staff are on hand and thoroughly educated to ensure that your loved ones receive the nutrients they need. We work with each new resident and their family to ensure a smooth transition into the home.

Our teams adopt a person-centred approach to care planning, putting you and your specific preferences at the heart of the care and assistance we provide. Please call us at 01572 494770 to schedule a tour of the facilities and learn more about how we can assist your loved one with dementia.